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Aura Imbarus at Erasmus Buechercafe

10. Juli 2011

Born at Sibiu she emigrated to the US. Now she came back to Sibiu to visit her father and to present her book at ERASMUS book shop:

Out of the Transylvania Night:
A Story of Tyranny, Freedom, Love and Identity

" MY TRANSYLVANIA, homeland to Vlad, the Impaler, suffered a brutal heritage that was perhaps reborn in the Communist dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu," says author Aura Imbarus. "My once serene and beautiful country became the land of the undead. As if Count Dracula had enslaved us, sucking our lifeblood away, Ceausescu turned Romanians into gray-clad zombies close to starvation who waited in long lines and never dared to call attention to themselves or show individuality in any way." To escape torture and death, neighbors became informants, and the Securitate, the Romanian security force, made people quietly disappear during the night—including Aura's family members—as if vampires had sneaked inside.

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Yet Aura dared to be herself. As a standout, an individualist, an overachiever, a rebel, a fashionista, a scholar, and proud heiress to land and wealth that had been confiscated by the communists, Aura waged small wars every day.

Christmas shopping on December 21, 1989, Aura, her parents, and hundreds of shoppers drew sudden sniper fire as Romania descended into the violence of a revolution that challenged one of the most draconian regimes in the Soviet bloc. A grisly execution that rocked the world led to five harrowing days of bloody chaos as Aura and her family struggled to survive.

Sadly, the new regime remained corrupt and controlling. Though Aura fell in love and carved out a life envied by other Romanians, a fierce sense of independence made her yearn for something more. What did success mean if she couldn't feel free?

Aura and Michael, her newlywed husband, fled a homeland still in chaos. With only $400, two pieces of luggage, and a powerful dream, they settled in Los Angeles in 1997.

o strangers to sacrifice and willing or hard work, the couple soon are living the good life. They buy a home, own BMWs and Porsches, and travel the world—only to find that a life of extravagance strain their marriage more severely than their years of struggle. Out of the bleakest nights come the hungriest of wolves, and the devouring sets in. The stock market crashed, and the couple lost all of their savings. The house fell into foreclosure, and a robbery targeted her precious family heirlooms. Aura's beloved mother is diagnosed with terminal cancer. Under the strain, the couple divorce.

But Aura soon realizes that even in the darkest days of her experiences in Transylvania, she had come through it; she had found her way to the light. And so their love story did live on. Their memories of living in a country at war and of the darkest days of their horrendous circumstances would reunite them, this time with a better understanding of themselves—and of the personal freedoms they would, or wouldn't, give up in exchange for their love.

OUT OF THE TRANSYLVANIA NIGHT explores tyranny and freedom, love, success, and the price paid for misaligned dreams in an epic tale of identity and the human spirit. It is a deftly woven narrative about finding greater meaning and fulfillment in a free world, and an exploration of how social issues affect the human spirit. An incredibly powerful memoir.

Author Aura Imbarus opens up about her escape from the Communist regime and to America, where she sought freedom from a war-torn land. InOut of the Transylvania Night, Imbarus tells her life story in such vivid detail and with an easily-flowing syntax that it does not feel like you're reading someone's biography, but a lifelong story of a friend who suffered through trials and tribulations to get to a better place. It is more than a personal journey, and gives hope to other immigrants who want to get away from their horrific home lives and emigrate to a new place that will be more accepting and safe.

Imbarus engulfs the reader into her life, so it feels as though you're walking alongside her through her journey, and how she assimilates into a new and foreign American lifestyle. Through anecdotes and conversation with many other people, Imbarus makes the story easy to relate to for immigrants and natives all the same. SNITCHSEEKER REVIEWS

Aura's courage shows the degree to which we are all willing to live lives centered on freedom, hope, and an authentic sense of self. Truly a love story! —Nadia Comaneci, Olympic Champion and Co-Founder of the Nadia Comaneci Children's Clinic in Bucharest gives the pioneer spirit and courage to be outraged in the face of injustice, and the heart bravado in making change in the world.—Adrian Maher, Documentary Filmmaker, Discovery Channel

A compelling story of a fiercely independent young woman growing up at the height of world wide Communist power and then rapid fall of the Iron Curtain. If you grew up hearing names like Tito, Mao and Ceausescu but really didn't understand their significance: READ THIS BOOK!—Mark Skidmore, Paramount Pictures

Aura's Transylvania presents an emotional journey through both free and closed societies, revealing how freedom is found in the self, not the destination—Ilie T. Ardelean, Founding Chairman and President of Romanian-American Professional Network- RAPN

A remarkable account erasing a past, but not an identity. Thought-provoking, inspirational, and comforting—Todd Greenfield, Former VP Finance, 20th Century Fox Studios

Aura's book reveals a very personal but intense description of the life in Romania before and after the Romanian Revolution of 1989. This makes it a contribution to find out beyond historical studies, what happened to and with the people there. This book is sure to find its place in memorial literature of the world. —Beatrice Ungar, Editor in chief, Hermannstädter Zeitung

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