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The Portrait of a Lady

The Portrait of a Lady from Henry James

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Category: Bücher
Pages / Format: 192 p., 18 cm; Paperback
Edit year: 15.10.2011
Publishing House: Collins Classics
Language: Englisch
ISBN: 9780007902286

Isabel Archer is a beautiful, intelligent and independent young woman. Brought from America to England by her wealthy Aunt who seeks to further her education and find her niece a husband, Isabel is determined to shape her own future - one that does not necessarily entail becoming a wife. Isabel inherits a fortune when her rich uncle dies and feels even more inclined to turn down two eligible suitors on the basis that she is a woman of her own means. However, a trip to Italy heralds her downfall when she meets the charming Gilbert Osmond, a worthless, yet ambitious and scheming dilettante.

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