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Henry and June from Anaïs Nin

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Category: Bücher
Pages / Format: 224 S
Edit year: 2001
Publishing House: Penguin Books UKPenguin Classics
Language: Englisch
ISBN: 9780141183282
Edition / Volum: Repr.

The brilliant tale of Anais Nin's true love affair with Henry Miller, and her ambiguous, charged relationship with his wife, June. Drawn from the journals of a single momentous year in Paris,Henry and Juneprovides a wildly lyrical account of a woman's sexual awakening and the disillusion of idealized marriage.4GBAnais Nin (1903-1977) was a French-born author of Catalan, Cuban and Danish descent. She became famous for her erotica, as well as for her published diaries, which span more than sixty years, beginning when she was eleven years old and ending shortly before her death.