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English For Teens. Age 16-19

English For Teens. Age 16-19 from Chilarescu Mihaela

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Category: Bücher
Pages / Format: 248 Seiten; paperback
Edit year: 01.2017
Publishing House: Polirom
Language: Englisch
ISBN: 9789734663774

Zece pasi pentru cunoasterea limbii engleze la nivel avansat, cu ajutorul unor texte si exercitii amuzante

• Legatura dintre ortografie si pronuntie
• Cuvinte si expresii specifice englezei britanice si celei americane
• Exercitii de gramatica si vocabular cu un grad de dificultate sporit
• Proverbe, jocuri de cuvinte, glume
• Exploatarea textului
• Crosswords
• Notiuni de cultura engleza si americana
• Subiecte incitante pentru dezbateri si eseuri
• Teste
• Cheia exercitiilor si testelor
Fragment din cartea "English for teens. Age 16-19" de Mihaela Chilarescu

"IV. Error Correction

Exercise 1

Unnecessary Words

There are ten words too many in each of the following five texts. Find and remove them.
a. A black hole is a kind of star. It is called "black" because no any light can escape from it. It is called a "hole" because it has had a gravitational field which is so strong that it can swallow for ever anything that comes too near. There is even a critical distance close to a black hole where the escape velocity is equal to the velocity of light; any object passing beyond the critical distance can never return to the normal universe. No one has hardly ever seen a black hole. The fact that it is black, possibly small and, hopefully, far out in space, makes it almost impossibly undetectable. How then do we know about them? The answer is that they are predicted to exist by the Einstein's general theory of relativity that was still designed to explain gravitational fields, especially the very strongest ones. This theory has so far been good enough at explaining the strange things that astronomers will see in space."