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Sighisoara and its surroundings

Sighisoara and its surroundings von Tudor Groza
A concise tourist guide

Preis pro Stück:
Lei 30 / € 7,50
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Kategorie: Bücher
Seiten / Format: 94 p.; Pb., A6
Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
Verlag: Royal Media
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 9789730159264

Sighisoara is a touristic micro-region where you can find many folk-related points of interest, as well as wineries, protected nature areas, landscapes characteristic of the region, fortified churches, peasant fortresses, urban fortresses, noblemen's castles and UNESCO monuments.

Included are four itineries for better understanding of the area:

Sighisoara - Balauseri, towards the Transylvanian plateau
Sighisora - Rupea, towards the Transylvanian sub-Carpathian mountain range
Sighisoara - Agnita, trevelling through the Hartibaciu's Valley
Sighisoara - Medias, following the Greater Tarnava River

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