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Bucegi, Piatra Craiului, Postavarul, Piatra Mare, Ciucas (Romania) M 1:70,000 Hiking Map - Wanderkarte

Bucegi, Piatra Craiului, Postavarul, Piatra Mare, Ciucas (Romania) M 1:70,000 Hiking Map - Wanderkarte from DIMAP
Cinci munti din curbura carpatilor - Five mountains from the Carpathians' bend

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Lei 22 / € 7,50
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Category: Landkarten
Pages / Format: Landkarte, gefaltet; Landkarte, gefaltet
Edit year: 2009
Publishing House: Dimap
Language: Englisch
ISBN: 9789638637901

Bucegi Mountains, Piatra Craiului, Postavarul, Piatra Mare and Ciucas area hiking map at 1:70,000 with contours at 100m intervals. Several trails are marked, with symbols distinguishing between well and poorly signposted sections. Forested areas and nature reserves are marked, with symbols showing local caves and springs; hotels, campsites and refuges; skiing areas and ski-lifts; various places of interest, including churches and monasteries, etc. The map shows local hiking routes and provides tourist information such as campsites, places of interest, etc. An inset shows the area of the map at 1:350,000 with altitude colouring to provide a more vivid impression of local topography, main roads, and rail connections with Brasov. On the reverse are black and white street plans of Brasov and Sinaia, plus notes describing the region and the tourist paths identified on the map.
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