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Sacru si profan intr-un oras european (1150-2007) : Piata Huet, o punte peste timp = [Sacred and profane in an European city (1150-2007) : Huet Square, a bridge beyond time]

Sacru si profan intr-un oras european (1150-2007) : Piata Huet, o punte peste timp = [Sacred and profane in an European city (1150-2007) : Huet Square, a bridge beyond time] from Daniela Marcu Istrate, Angel Istrate, Victor Moraru

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Lei 29 / € 9,90
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Category: Bücher
Pages / Format: zahlr. Illustrationen; Broschiert
Edit year: 2007
Publishing House: Brasov: Hieronymus
Language: Rumänisch
ISBN: 9789738832701