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Atlas rutier Bucuresti

Atlas rutier Bucuresti from CARTOGRAPHIA

Price per copy:
Lei 42 / € 14,00
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Category: Bücher
Pages / Format: 96 pagini, 19,5 x 26,5 cm; Spiralbindung
Edit year: 2008
Publishing House: Aachen, Sfantu Gheorghe, Cartographia
Language: Rumänisch
ISBN: 9789633525159

Scara: 1:24 000.
Sectoarele in culori diferite.
Strazile cu sens unic si numarul caselor.
Teritoriul administrativ complet cu localitatile limitrofe.
Transportul in comun, harta metroului.
Legenda in 8 limbi. Legende in 8 Sprachen.

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